Cultural Awareness and Diversity Justice

Cultural awareness and diversity justice are concepts that emphasize the importance of recognizing, respecting, and valuing the diversity of cultures, identities, and experiences within society.

Cultural Awareness

HEWGICH brings on board different people from different diversities to give some of the knowledge they have to the youth based in Siaya. Wewok hand in hand with Potential X Factor to promte the  Cultural Awarenes among teens and youth.Cultural awareness promotes sensitivity and empathy towards people from different backgrounds, enabling individuals to navigate cross-cultural interactions with respect, open-mindedness, and inclusivity. It involves actively seeking to learn about and appreciate diverse cultures, challenging stereotypes, and avoiding cultural biases.

Diversity Justices

 HEWGICH partners with Afya101 to invite teens and youths from the diverse community to play the loopers league. This in turn promotes diversity justice by promoting inclusivity, representation, and participation, as well as actively working to dismantle barriers and create a more just and inclusive society for everyone. It recognizes that individuals have diverse identities, backgrounds, and experiences, including but not limited to culture, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and ability.